Archive for the ‘Useful resources’ Category

Recently, have asked me to write an article on the effects of Glutamine on health and performance.

” There is no denying that glutamine is involved in preventing illness and the loss of muscle mass/gain of lean body mass, but there is still much confusion over whether or not it can enhance sporting abilities.”

Do you think you could benefit from a Glutamine supplement in your diet? Read my rather honest article HERE!

In other news, I was forced to take a week off due to a rather debilitating case of the man-flu. I got back on it yesterday and cranked out a new OHP 1RM before speedwork – updates ASAP!

There is much to do this week – uni course gone wild – I’ll update when I can!

Personally, I am a Stage 2/4 cross-match.

Hilarious and entirely correct!


“Next time you get ready to “lay it on the line” ask yourself why.” – Michael Boyle

No, this isn’t my ideal wedding proposal…

Just a very apt livespill from Chris Shugart.

“Focus — real focus and not phoned-in focus — leads to better muscular contractions, better nervous system response, and ultimately a more effective workout… something you don’t get when running your mouth during a set or watching SportsCenter.”


This video hit the world recently from the folks over at EliteFTS (bookmark the site if you haven’t already).


Why do you train?


Personal update:

Week of complete rest if over, next a week of active rest – light everythings!

Would’ve prefered to do this as two active rest weeks, but this wasn’t possible (uni commitments, exams around the corner)

I know I consistantly mention Rippetoe’s work, but I think it’s warranted.

He’s a strong man who has made other men strong. Very, very strong.

For a brief summary of repetitions required to make athletic gains, he put this chart together…It’s a perfect summary – simple, accurate and interesting.

Make sense?

If you listen to smart people, you’ll say/do smart things.

Here is a list of people/blogs I find thought provoking (RE: Strength/Conditioning) and people who are putting thought into action in sport and exercise.

Michael Boyle (

Paul McVeigh (MMA coach, S&C Professional and all round character)

Conditioning Research (Strength and Conditioning research news – everything from sleep to super-marathons)

Doug McGuff (An Emergency Physician with an adoration for high intensity training – a well thought out lunatic, said as a compliment with the utmost respect. A personal inspiration.)

Mark Twight (The Godfather of all things painful – inspiration for our no bullshit approach. The Gym Jones team trained the actors for the movie “300”)

Dewey Nielsen (MMA coach, BJJ Black belt and S&C supremo)

Coach Robert Dos Remedios (Without Coach Dos, I’d still be doing body building workouts wondering why bicep curls didn’t give me the powers of flight and invisibility)

Alwyn Cosgrove (British S&C Pro – highly touted with a lot of experience behind him)

Mark Rippetoe – (“On steroids: There are no shortcuts. The fact that a shortcut is important to you means that you are a pussy.” – enough said)

Sports Medicine – (Injured or just plain curious about sports performance? Some detailed definitions here- but also some commercial bullshit)


There are of course others out there – but these are some well informed guys making you stronger (as well as fitter, more flexible, more technical, more driven, more able) in the 21st century. They are also, by and large, not pussies.

Reading anything Coach Rip says makes you believe the next time you break your leg, you should enjoy it. Freakin’ hilarious.